Hi, my name is Lysandra and I'm an unqualified mama.

I'm blessed to be a wife to Michael and mother to our 4 beautiful kiddos, but I'd by lying if I said that motherhood was a natural bent for me.


My story stems from an unrealistic expectation of what motherhood would be, the emotions I would feel, and what the day-to-day would look like.

The quick version: I was so ignorant to view motherhood through this beautifully painted picture of social media and stories other women told me of days gone by.  I found it was easier for others to put their best foot forward, or only hold tight to the great moments in their memories, but it left me feeling like I was out on a limb, all alone as this unqualified mama.

Then God changed it.

I began a journey of renewing my mind and my worldview of motherhood in light of my faith.  Jesus led me to a journey that I am still on of abiding, resting, and growing in Him.

Now I write and speak on my own journey of being an unqualified mama because of my own testimony.  Because of our culture which is filled with mom guilt and lacks speaking truth into our identity.  Because of mamas feeling lost, disconnected, and doubtful about their mothering journeys.

I'd love to have you journey along with me, and I've made the resources on this website just for you to do so.

Let's Connect: